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Health & Medicine
Matter and beyond
Science square
Science world
See, think, believe
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Science Square
Below are the articles under the tag Science Square.
Science Square (Issue 161)
31 August 2024 | The Fountain | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)
Predicting major earthquakes months ago Girona et al. Abnormal low-magnitude seismicity preceding large-magnitude earthquakes. Nature Communication…
Science Square (Issue 160)
30 June 2024 | The Fountain | Issue 160 (Jul - Aug 2024)
A new bionic leg enables below-the-leg amputees to achieve a natural walking gait. Song H. et al. Continuous neural control of a bionic limb restor…
Science Square (Issue 159)
30 April 2024 | The Fountain | Issue 159 (May - Jun 2024)
Evening May Be the Best Time of Day to Exercise New research suggests that exercising in the evening might offer additional health benefits, particu…
Science Square (Issue 158)
29 February 2024 | The Fountain | Issue 158 (Mar - Apr 2024)
A mysterious object discovered in the Milky Way Barr DE et al. A pulsar in a binary with a compact object in the mass gap between neutron stars and…
Science Square (Issue 157)
31 December 2023 | The Fountain | Issue 157 (Jan - Feb 2024)
Plant-based diet promotes rapid heart benefits Landry MJ et al. Cardiometabolic Effects of Omnivorous vs Vegan Diets in Identical Twins. JAMA Networ…
Science Square (Issue 156)
31 October 2023 | The Fountain | Issue 156 (Nov - Dec 2023)
8000 steps a day keep the doctor away Stens NA et al. Relationship of Daily Step Counts to All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Events. Journal of…
Science Square (Issue 155)
31 August 2023 | The Fountain | Issue 155 (Sep - Oct 2023)
Human activity is taking Earth to the brink Richardson K. et al. Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries. Science Advances, September 2023. A…
Science Square (Issue 154)
30 June 2023 | The Fountain | Issue 154 (Jul - Aug 2023)
Air pollution may underlie the global decline in insect numbers Wang et al. Short-term particulate matter contamination severely compromises insect…
Science Square (Issue 153)
30 April 2023 | The Fountain | Issue 153 (May - Jun 2023)
Forever young: boosting cell longevity with synthetic biology tools Zhou et al. Engineering longevity-design of a synthetic gene oscillator to slow…
Science Square (Issue 152)
28 February 2023 | The Fountain | Issue 152 (Mar - Apr 2023)
Bees learn and teach new lessons Bridges AD et al. Bumblebees acquire alternative puzzle-box solutions via social learning. PLOS Biology, March 2023…
Science Square (Issue 151)
13 January 2023 | The Fountain | Issue 151 (Jan - Feb 2023)
Harvesting freshwater from ocean vapor at a global scale Rahman et al. Increasing freshwater supply to sustainably address global water security at…
Science Square (Issue 150)
31 October 2022 | The Fountain | Issue 150 (Nov - Dec 2022)
How much sleep is good for health? Sabie S et al. Association of sleep duration at age 50, 60, and 70 years with risk of multimorbidity in the UK: 2…
Science Square (Issue 149)
31 August 2022 | The Fountain | Issue 149 (Sep - Oct 2022)
More Evidence that the Moon Came from the Earth Will et al. Indigenous noble gases in the Moon’s interior. Science Advances, Aug 2022. Humankind ha…
Science Square
30 June 2022 | The Fountain | Issue 148 (Jul - Aug 2022)
Secret sauce of exercise Li et al. An exercise-inducible metabolite that suppresses feeding and obesity. Nature, June 2022. Exercise has been demo…
Science Square (Issue 147)
30 April 2022 | The Fountain | Issue 147 (May - Jun 2022)
Rewinding the clock of human skin cells Gill et al. Multi-omic rejuvenation of human cells by maturation phase transient reprogramming. eLife, April…
Science Square (Issue 146)
28 February 2022 | The Fountain | Issue 146 (Mar - Apr 2022)
Insulin-secreting pancreatic beta cells generated from stem cells Balboa et al. Functional, metabolic and transcriptional maturation of human pancre…
Science Square (Issue 145)
31 December 2021 | The Fountain | Issue 145 (Jan - Feb 2022)
Exercise keeps brain connections alive Casaletto K et al. Late‐life physical activity relates to brain tissue synaptic integrity markers in older ad…
Science Square (Issue 144)
31 October 2021 | The Fountain | Issue 144 (Nov - Dec 2021)
Climate change is the main cause of fires Zhuang et al. Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fir…
Science Square (Issue 143)
31 August 2021 | The Fountain | Issue 143 (Sep - Oct 2021)
Dreams keep brain refreshed Tsai et al. Cerebral capillary blood flow upsurge during REM sleep is mediated by A2a receptors. Cell Reports, August 20…
Science Square (Issue 142)
30 June 2021 | The Fountain | Issue 142 (Jul - Aug 2021)
Is hair graying reversible? Rosenberg et al. Quantitative mapping of human hair greying and reversal in relation to life stress. eLife, June 2021…
Science Square (Issue 141)
01 May 2021 | The Fountain | Issue 141 (May - Jun 2021)
More, more, and more Adams GS et al. People systematically overlook subtractive changes. Nature, April 2021 A recent study showed that human beings…
Science Square (Issue 140)
31 March 2021 | The Fountain | Issue 140 (Mar - Apr 2021)
No link found between gender and performance in physics courses Dew et al. Gendered performance differences in introductory physics: A study from a…
Science Square (Issue 138)
01 November 2020 | The Fountain | Issue 138 (Nov - Dec 2020)
How Octopuses Are Able to Taste by Touching Giesen et al.Molecular Basis of Chemotactile Sensation in Octopus. Cell, October 2020. Octopuses have o…
Science Square (Issue 137)
01 September 2020 | The Fountain | Issue 137 (Sep - Oct 2020)
Cell-based therapy may be used to treat obesity and diabetes Wang CH et al. CRISPR-engineered human brown-like adipocytes prevent diet-induced obesi…
Science Square (Issue 136)
01 July 2020 | The Fountain | Issue 136 (Jul - Aug 2020)
Viruses Can Steal Our Genetic Code to Form New GenesHo JSY et al. Hybrid Gene Origination Creates Human-Virus Chimeric Proteins during Infection. Cel…
Science Square (Issue 135)
01 May 2020 | The Fountain | Issue 135 (May - Jun 2020)
Nose cells as the key COVID-19 entry pointSungnak et al. SARS-CoV-2 entry factors are highly expressed in nasal epithelial cells together with innate…
Is Coronavirus (Covid-19) Made by Humans? (Science Square)
01 March 2020 | The Fountain | Issue 134 (Mar - Apr 2020)
Andersen KG et al. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2. Nature Medicine, March 2020.Cases of Covid-19 first emerged in December 2019, when a mysterious…
Science Square (Issue 133)
01 January 2020 | The Fountain | Issue 133 (Jan - Feb 2020)
NASA Mission Sheds New Light On the SunBale SD et al. “Highly structured slow solar wind emerging from an equatori…
Science Square (Issue 132)
01 November 2019 | The Fountain | Issue 132 (Nov - Dec 2019)
Cartilage regeneration in humans is possible similar to salamandersHsueh MF et al. Analysis of “old” proteins unmasks dynamic gradient of cartilage t…
Science Square (Issue 131)
21 October 2019 | The Fountain | Issue 131 (Sep - Oct 2019)
Smart prosthetic hand combines both human and robot control Zhuang et al. Shared human–robot proportional control of a dexterous myoelectric prosthe…
Science Square (Issue 130)
01 July 2019 | The Fountain | Issue 130 (July - Aug 2019)
The hottest month on record for the planet Global Climate Report. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information ( Ju…
Science Square (Issue 129)
01 May 2019 | The Fountain | Issue 129 (May - Jun 2019)
Artificial photosynthesis transforms CO2 into liquefiable fuels Yu and Jain. Plasmonic photosynthesis of C1–C3 hydrocarbons from carbon dioxide assi…
Science Square (Issue 127)
26 March 2019 | The Fountain | Issue 127 (Jan - Feb 2019)
A new Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach to translate brain waves into speech Akbari et al. Towards reconstructing intelligible speech from the h…
Science Square (Issue 128)
01 March 2019 | The Fountain | Issue 128 (Mar - Apr 2019)
First miniature human heart printedNoor N et al. 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches…
Science Square (Issue 126)
06 January 2019 | The Fountain | Issue 126 (Nov - Dec 2018)
Biggest extinction in Earth’s history caused by global warming—and how it could happen again Penn JL et al. Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains b…
Science Square (Issue 125)
15 October 2018 | The Fountain | Issue 125 (Sep - Oct 2018)
Robotic skins turn everyday objects into multifunctional robots Boot et al. OmniSkins: Robotic skins that turn inanimate objects into multifunctio…
Science Square (Issue 124)
15 September 2018 | The Fountain | Issue 124 (July - Aug 2018)
Magnetic wire could allow early cancer detection Vermesh O. et al. An intravascular magnetic wire for the high-throughput retrieval of circulating…
Science Square (Issue 123)
08 July 2018 | The Fountain | Issue 123 (May - June 2018)
Scientists build synthetic embryos without eggs or sperm Rivron NC et al. Blastocyst-like structures generated solely from stem cells. Nature, May…
Science square (Issue 122)
24 April 2018 | The Fountain | Issue 122 (March - April 2018)
Largest population of “rare penguins” discovered in Antarctica Borowicz et al. Multi-modal survey of Adélie penguin mega-colonies reveals the Danger…
Scientists have cloned monkeys; are humans next?
01 January 2018 | The Fountain | Issue 121 (January - February 2018)
Liu, Z. et al. Cloning of macaque monkeys by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cell, January 2018. After two decades of failures, scientists have final…
Hidden Oceans in Frozen Worlds
31 October 2017 | The Fountain | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
Hidden Oceans in Frozen Worlds Saxena P. et al. Relevance of tidal heating on large TNOs. Icarus, December 2017. Searching for alien life, a new st…
Eat fat, live longer?
31 August 2017 | The Fountain | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
As more people live into their ’80s and ’90s, scientists focus more on the issues of healthy aging. A recent study proved controversial when it demon…
Why are yawns contagious?
31 August 2017 | The Fountain | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
Why do we yawn if someone else does? Ecophenomena drives us to imitate other people's actions, but it's also found at excessive levels in neurodevelo…
“Pen” diagnoses cancer in 10 seconds
31 August 2017 | The Fountain | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
A team of engineers and scientists has developed a “pen” that accurately identifies cancerous tissues during surgery within 10 seconds. This handheld…
Science Square (Issue 118)
30 June 2017 | The Fountain | Issue 118 (July - August 2017)
Tomatoes Might Be a Key to Preventing Skin Cancer Cooperstone JL et al. Tomatoes protect against development of UV-induced keratinocyte carcinoma vi…
Stem cells as an arthritis vaccine
30 April 2017 | The Fountain | Issue 117 (May - June 2017)
Stem cells as an arthritis vaccine Brunger JM et al. Genome Engineering of Stem Cells for Autonomously Regulated, Closed-Loop Delivery of Biologic D…
Blind mice have vision restored
31 December 2016 | The Fountain | Issue 115 (January-February 2017)
Blind mice have vision restored Zhu et al. Immunosuppression via loss of IL2rγ enhances long-term functional integration of hESC-derived photorec…
Science Square
31 October 2016 | The Fountain | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
Neutralizing the Zika virus Sapparapu G et al. Neutralizing human antibodies prevent Zika virus replication and fetal disease in mice. Nature, Novem…
Synthetic 3D-printed bones for reconstructive surgery
31 August 2016 | The Fountain | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
Synthetic 3D-printed bones for reconstructive surgery Jakus AE et al. Hyperelastic "bone": A highly versatile, growth factor-free, osteoregenerative…
Science Square (Issue 112)
30 June 2016 | The Fountain | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
A new meaning to the term “bird brain” Olkowicz S. et al. Birds have primate-like numbers of neurons in the forebrain. Proceedings of the National A…
Science Square (Issue 111)
30 April 2016 | The Fountain | Issue 111 (May - June 2016)
Artificial Skin That Can Sprout Hair and Grow Glands Takagi R. et al. Bioengineering a 3D integumentary organ system from iPS cells using an in vivo…
Science and Square
29 February 2016 | The Fountain | Issue 110 (March - April 2016)
Cataracts could be cured by using stem-cell-based treatments 1-Hayashi R. et al. Co-ordinated ocular development from human iPS cells and recovery o…
Science Square (Issue 109)
31 December 2015 | The Fountain | Issue 109 (January -February 2016)
Potentially habitable Earth-like planet discovered Wright DJ et al. Three planets orbiting Wolf 1061. Astrophysical Journal Letters, December 2015…
Science Square (Issue 108)
31 October 2015 | The Fountain | Issue 108 (November - December 2015)
Processed meat increases cancer risk The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, has…
Science Square (Issue 107)
31 August 2015 | The Fountain | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
Bratman GN et al. Natural experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal cortex activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences o…
Science Square (Issue 106)
30 June 2015 | The Fountain | Issue 106 (July - August 2015)
A New Blood Test Can Tell Every Virus You've Ever Had Engineers have developed a new tool which can test for both past and current viral infections…
Science Square (Issue 105)
30 April 2015 | The Fountain | Issue 105 (May - June 2015)
Natural Antifreeze from Ticks Frostbite Protection in Mice Suggests an Antifreeze Glycoprotein Heisig M. et al. PLOS ONE, February 2015. Some anima…
Science Square (Issue 104)
28 February 2015 | The Fountain | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
Plants Tricked Into Drought Tolerance Agrochemical control of plant water use via engineered abscisic acid receptors Park et al. Nature, February 20…
Science Square (Issue 103)
31 December 2014 | The Fountain | Issue 103 (January - February 2015)
Earth's most abundant mineral identified Tschauner O. et al. Discovery of bridgmanite, the most abundant mineral in Earth, in a shocked meteorite. S…
Science Square (Issue 102)
31 October 2014 | The Fountain | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
Newly Discovered Particle Is Both Matter and Antimatter Observing Majorana fermions in the ferromagnetic atomic chains on a superconductor. Nadj-Per…
Science Square (Issue 101)
31 August 2014 | The Fountain | Issue 101 (September - October 2014)
Planet with the longest orbit discovered Astronomers have discovered a planet with the longest known orbital period. Exoplanet Kepler-421b has been…
Science Square (Issue 100)
30 June 2014 | The Fountain | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
Supernova explosions generated in the lab Meinecke et al. Turbulent amplification of magnetic fields in laboratory laser-produced shock waves, June…
Science Square (Issue 99)
30 April 2014 | The Fountain | Issue 99 (May - June 2014)
Elephants can distinguish human languages Elephants can determine ethnicity, gender, and age from acoustic cues in human voices. McComb et al. Febru…
Science Square (Issue 98)
28 February 2014 | The Fountain | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
Sequence Integration in the Brain Basal ganglia subcircuits distinctively encode the parsing and concatenation of action sequences. Jin et al. Natu…
Science Square (Issue 97)
31 December 2013 | The Fountain | Issue 97 (January - February 2014)
A galaxy rapidly forming stars 700 million years after the Big Bang at redshift 7.51 Finkelstein S.L et al., Nature, October 2013 Astronomers have…
Science Square
31 October 2013 | The Fountain | Issue 96 (November - December 2013)
Mini "human brain" in a dish Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly Lancaster et al. Nature, September 2013 A recent st…
Science Square (Issue 95)
31 August 2013 | The Fountain | Issue 95 (September - October 2013)
The Brain’s GPS Jacobs J. et al. Direct recordings of grid-like neuronal activity in human spatial navigation. Nature Neuroscience, 2013 Do you hap…
Science Square
30 June 2013 | The Fountain | Issue 94 (July - August 2013)
Getting Help from Cows to Treat Human Diseases Humans have been raising cows for their meat and milk for thousands of years. A new study suggests tha…
Science Square (Issue 92)
30 April 2013 | The Fountain | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Caffeine as a repellent defense chemical Wright GA et al. Caffeine in Floral Nectar Enhances a Pollinator's Memory of Reward. Science, 2013; 339 (61…
Extraordinary Blood Circulation in Crocodiles
28 February 2013 | Mirac Bekdemir | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
By examining the heart of a crocodile, researchers have discovered how it is that an air-breathing land animal can manage to glide through murky wa…
Science Square (Issue 92)
28 February 2013 | The Fountain | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
Facing Aggression Gómez-Valdés et al. Lack of Support for the Association between Facial Shape and Aggression: A Reappraisal Based on a Worldwide Po…
Science Square (Issue 91)
31 December 2012 | Louima Cunningham | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
Bats are the only mammals that are able to fly and they make up almost one quarter of all mammal species on earth. These amazing creatures are free f…
Science Square (Issue 90)
31 October 2012 | The Fountain | Issue 90 (November - December 2012)
Childhood environment leaves its mark on DNA Factors underlying variable DNA methylation in a human community cohort. L.L. Lam et al. PNAS October 1…
Science Square (Issue 89)
31 August 2012 | The Fountain | Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
1- Frosty freezers no more Original article: Kim P. et al, ACS Nano (2012, online ahead of print) Frost formation on aircrafts at high altitudes po…
What do mosquitoes do when it’s raining?
30 June 2012 | The Fountain | Issue 88 (July - August 2012)
What do mosquitoes do when it's raining? Mosquitoes like climates with high humidity and rainfall. While a single raindrop can weigh 50 times as muc…
Science Square (Issue 87)
30 April 2012 | The Fountain | Issue 87 (May - June 2012)
1- Early exposure to microbes shows benefit that is life long Original article: Olzsak T. et al, Science (2012, epub ahead of print) It has been kn…
Science Square (Issue 86)
29 February 2012 | The Fountain | Issue 86 (March - April 2012)
1- Impressive Design and Strength of Spider Silk's Web Original Article: Cranford, S.W. et al., Nature 482, 72 (2012). Spider silk has been a symbo…
Fixing obesity in the brain
31 December 2011 | The Fountain | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
1- Fixing obesity in the brain Original article: Czupryn, A. et al., Science 334, 1133 (2011). Neurons are a highly specialized group of cells th…
Immune system at training in the gut
31 October 2011 | The Fountain | Issue 84 (November - December 2011)
1- Immune system at training in the gut Microbes, in particular bacteria, are associated with many diseases, being the deadliest pathogens along wit…
Epidermal electronics
31 August 2011 | The Fountain | Issue 83 (September - October 2011)
1- Epidermal electronics Original Article: Kim, D-H et al., Science 333, 838 (2011). We often see patients in hospitals with many cables attached t…
Writing of Our Worries
30 June 2011 | The Fountain | Issue 82 (July - August 2011)
1- Writing of Our Worries Original Article: Ramirez G. et al., Science 331, 211 (2011). We have had to deal with tests and exams in academic and pr…
When it comes to fighting flu, gut bacteria are on our side
30 April 2011 | The Fountain | Issue 81 (May - June 2011)
1- When it comes to fighting flu, gut bacteria are on our side Original Article: Ichinohe T. et al., PNAS (published online before print 2011). Inf…
"As if I ate" diet is effective
28 February 2011 | The Fountain | Issue 80 (March - April 2011)
1- “As if I ate” diet is effective Original Article: Morewedge C.K. et al., Science 330, 1530 (2010). If you’ve had a chance to visit the Fatih dis…
Your sleep shapes your hair
31 December 2010 | The Fountain | Issue 79 (January - February 2011)
1- Your sleep shapes your hair Original Article: Akashi M. et al., PNAS 107, 15643 (2010). Feeling sleepy during the day after a long flight? Inter…
Fathers are special, too
31 October 2010 | The Fountain | Issue 78 (November - December 2010)
1- Fathers are special, too Original Article: Mak, G.K. & Weiss, S., Nature Neuroscience 13, 753 (2010). Motherhood or maternal recognition is…
How the tests survive
31 August 2010 | The Fountain | Issue 77 (September - October 2010)
1- How the “fit” tests survive Original Article: Lewis, G.D. et al., Science Translational Medicine 2, 33 (2010). Visits to biochemistry labs are f…
Synthetic life: hype or reality?
30 June 2010 | The Fountain | Issue 76 (July - August 2010)
1- Synthetic life: hype or reality? Original Article: Gibson, D.G. et al., Science Express (2010). A team of genome researchers at the J. Craig Ven…
A New Hope for Type I Diabetes
30 April 2010 | The Fountain | Issue 75 (May - June 2010)
1- Leptin therapy for diabetes Original Article: Wang, M. et al., PNAS (published online before print on March 1, 2010). Periodic injections of ins…
Barefoot Running
28 February 2010 | The Fountain | Issue 74 (March - April 2010)
Barefoot Running Original Article: Lieberman, D.E. et al., Nature 463, 531 (2010). The modern running shoe was not invented until the 1970s. Howeve…